Finding the Right Way: Step by Step

Get the worst out of your site first, and you will have good options to choose. Decision making is considered as a significant factor among the best world leaders and management gurus. For almost everyone, it’s an everyday situation of “to be or not to be”. Asking suggestions from others without doing and pre-work on the subject will lead you to disarray. Therefore, doing a comprehensive study, gathering necessary details, feedback and finalizing the options are the basic tasks you need to do before seeking people’s suggestions.

I personally feel that when you are not sure what to choose or what to do (having no list of options), others will just add options more than your need unnecessary. Be it buying new mobile, camera, bike or car, you must do research on the subject matter. To decide something very important, getting an idea from someone will be definitely helpful. But asking many intellects may create chaotic situation. Different intellects may have diverse opinions with ample amount of examples and good logic to support their idea. At this stage, even after taking all suggestions you are surrounded by the multiple choices with no clue.
In this blog, I have discussed three steps before you directly seek others’ suggestions and idea. This could help you in resolving many complicated questions without being questioned by yourself again!
First step is to study the subject from both ends: your requirement (need/expectations), and the limitations of available source. Before mounting a heap of your necessities boundlessly, think about the limit point of sources and products. It’s not necessary that whatever you want should be available in market. Sometimes, it’s not possible to put all best gears and gadgets into a single package. They aren’t giving you everything as just what you expect; they want you to choose from the choices they are providing (sad part of the topic). Do a good study to frame your needs.
Secondly, gather all essential details regarding the product you want to buy. These details include pros and cons, user feedback, reviews, features, reliability and competitive analysis. These details will help you finding the perfect match for your needs. It will also make you aware of fake advertisements and biased opinions that misguide you by making you more confused.
Next, filtering the options based on the reviews and feedback. Use your conscience to sort the options taking into account your interest and needs, and feedback given by people who have enough experience of the product. The best way to sort out the best from the bundle of choices is to apply “odd man out” method. Using this theory you can easily eliminate options that don’t suit your interest. This helps when you have lots of choices in the same category. Therefore, instead of accumulating many suitable numbers, take out what is not fitting your condition.
Finally, limit the choices to maximum 3 numbers and throw them for other to suggest. Here, you may not get confused learning different views on the given choices as there are just three options. You can easily understand the best among them.

Study, gather data, filter, final the options and ask people to honestly suggest the best from your given options only.